Howdy Voidlings!

It's already been more than two weeks since the Genesis Mint and we were quiet until now.

Rest assured that we're working hard towards adding new content and fixing the (numerous) game issues. And rest assured that we're preparing so much interesting things for our discord and twitter.

We're still hard at work to bring you new content to experience and our plan remains the same - Open Beta will be in the End of the Spring.

What to expect? First of all - PvE. We're concentrating on the Pve now. We want all people to have fun by going in raids as with your friends, as solo. Right now, we're working on the level design for PvE missions and content production. 

Patch notes

Menu and UI

- We have fixed the stretching of images on different phones.

- By playing Mega gurg and hitting enemies the camera will shake. It will be good feeback of that you've hitted an enemy.

General Gameplay

- Mega Gurg now has bigger hitboxes on his hand. It should be easier to hit.

- Gurg has lower HP. Was 300/100 (HP/Shields), now 150/100.

- Gurg turret deal less damage. Small turret was 7-15, now it is 5-10. Large turret was 10-25, now 7-15.

- Fixed Matto's Rapid Fire. Now you need to hold the ultimate button, and it will shoot arrows while you holding the button.

- All heroes. By reloading the weapon now it continues to shoot. You don't need to tap shoot button again.


- Bishop. Using Lethal dash stopped all moving animations afterwards. Now, Bishop can move, all animations are working.

- Fixed the endless bolt movement on the Trix weapon if you used any skill by not releasing the fire button. 

Small gameplay improvements

- Matto. You shoot with arrow by releasing the Fire button. So you can aim better. 

- Trix. Rocket Launcher. the rocket is homing You can hold the skill button and then you'll see the tag on the enemy. By releasing the skill button Trix shoots in the enemy.

What our next steps

We're currently working on the next features:


- Pets. We plan to create lobby system for pets, so we will be able to test pets in the PvP match. We have finished the server model and now mostly concentrating on additional features, like lobby, room creation, room deleting etc. 

- PvP. Team creation. We want have instrument to create teams for custom matches. It will allow us, more easily organize any tournament we want in the game. 

- PvP. Create spectator. It will allow us to easily translate tournament without being killed by any enemy in the game. More features for people, who want to translate the tournament for us.

- Gameplay. We want to implement gyro support.

- PvE. Adapt PvP progression system to PvE. 

- PvE. Implement all heroes skills from PvE specialization tree to the PvE. 

- PvE. Work on the Bots and Bosses.

- PvE. Work on the modification in the Level Design.

Game Design

- Mostly concentrating on the balancing in PvE and PvP.

- Create most exciting modifications for level design. 

- Create missions and tools for missions. 


- Create 2d/3d level assets.

- Create 3d pets.

- Rework some of our heroes to maintain AAA quality.


- Concentrating on implementing Motion capture animations for all our heroes.

- Create interesting and perfect looking move set for our boss.

As far as you can see, this is not all the features that we will do, but some of them. 

We're striving to create the best PvP/PvE experience and we're hard at work! 

Voiders Team.

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