
These charms are not only visually pleasing, they also give the player an advantage. Depending on the charm, there will be bonus boosts in PvE.

Charms in Voiders

Weapons in Voiders can be adorned (and complemented) with charms. These charms are not only visually pleasing, they also give the player an advantage. Depending on the charm, there will be bonus boosts in PvE. Each charm is suitable for any hero in the game, but many of them were designed specifically for certain heroes. So, by purchasing an NFT of the charm and adding it to the right hero, players can get even more boosts. This can be likened to a player getting a full build of a hero, with the optimal collection of weapons, armors, and artifacts in well-known RPG games. In addition to buying, players will also be able to sell charms. However, the amount of charms a player can add to the hero will be limited.

So, by purchasing an NFT of the charm and adding it to the right hero, players can get even more boosts. This can be likened to a player getting a full build of a hero, with the optimal collection of weapons, armors, and artifacts in well-known RPG games. In addition to buying, players will also be able to sell charms. However, the amount of charms a player can add to the hero will be limited.